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About BEE4

BEE4 marks the birth of a new stage in the Brazilian capital market. For the future big Brazilian companies, it gives access to a new financing alternative for their expansion plans. For investors, it opens up the opportunity to acquire shares in companies with great potential for growth and return.

Approved by CVM, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, BEE4 is an environment for trading shares of companies with annual revenues between BRL 10 million and BRL 300 million. Through blockchain technology, shares are now represented by tokens, with an immutable record of the holder. The process is safe, transparent and complies with all the rules of the investor protection regulator.

BEE4 is controlled by Grupo Solum, in partnership with the Câmara Interbancária de Pagamentos (CIP) and the blockchain solutions company Finchain

Purpose and Values

Matching the big companies of tomorrow with forward-thinking investors to transform Brazil
We offer consistent, well thought, results-oriented solutions. We seek to positively impact our clients and the society, honoring our credibility.
COOPERATION to Transform
We cherish the exchange of ideas to create new realities and solutions, always with empathy and humility. We are tireless, moved by strong purposes and great challenges, building true relationships that overcome individual interests.
We create conditions for people to be authentic and spontaneous, sharing their visions with transparency and integrity. We are impartial and focused on building a business that may thrive for generations.
SAFETY to Innovate
We have built a secure and regulated trading environment to connect market participants, with an innovative infrastructure, and robust processes to guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive data and transactions.
AUTONOMY to Develop
We have initiative, a sense of ownership, and we are building our life project. We fulfill our commitments, seeking to accomplish more and better, proactively and responsibly.

Who are Behind BEE4

Grupo Solum
It is the group that created BEE4 and is responsible for bringing together partners and funders and for presenting the project to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). Focusing on emerging companies and alternative investments, the group owns the asset manager Solum Capital and the equity crowdfunding platform beegin, in addition to fostering financial education and content initiatives.
A member of the Brazilian Payment System (Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro, SPB), CIP S.A. is the largest processor of financial transactions—such as bank slip payments and electronic transfers—in the country. In 2021, it processed 30.7 billion operations (BRL 17 trillion). In 2022, it was made into a Corporation (S.A) and became one of the largest solutions and services companies for the financial market.
Finchain specializes in technological solutions and the development of blockchain projects. It offers smart contract solutions, verticalized tokenization projects (from consultancy, NFT issues and listing on exchanges and trade bots) and white label products for digital banks with blockchain and cryptocurrency, in addition to integration APIs.

Our Leadership

Patricia Stille
Patricia Stille
BEE4 CEO and partner
Co-founder of Grupo Solum, she was a partner at XP and executive at Vectis Partners.
Rodrigo Fiszman
Rodrigo Fiszman
Partner and Board Member
Co-founder and CEO of Grupo Solum and beegin, he was a partner at XP and Real Asset.
Amarilis Sardenberg
Amarilis Sardenberg
Partner and Board Member
Partner at Interlink Consultoria, she was COO at B3 and Chairperson of the Board at BSM.
Agenor Silva Jr.
Agenor Silva Jr.
Partner and Operations Consultant
He was Director of Post-Trade at B3 (where he worked for 21 years) and IR at Votorantim.
Vivian Slivskin
Vivian Slivskin
Director of Compliance and Self Regulation
She was Superintendent of IT Audit at B3 (for 15 years) and auditor at Deloitte.
Marcos Paulo Vianna
Marcos Paulo Vianna
Head of Legal
He was a Director of Órama (for 10 years) and worked for Ágora and BMA.
Fernanda Giulietto
Fernanda Giulietto
Chief Marketing Officer
She was Head of Marketing at the brokerage firm Guide (for 5 years) and an executive at Santander (for 14 years).
Analu Melo
Analu Melo
Head of Relationship with Participants
She was Audit Manager at B3 (for 12 years) and Auditor at Deloitte.
Maria Estela
Maria Estela
Head of People & Management
She was a Coordinator of People & Management at Vox Capital and worked at B3 and Groupon.
Ronaldo Santos
Ronaldo Santos
Head of Operations
He was Operations Superintendent and Custody Analyst at B3 (24 years).
Francisco Gurjão
Francisco Gurjão
Head of Finance
He was a financial and performance analyst for Coca-Cola, Petrobras, TIM, and Globo.
Paloma Sevilha
Paloma Sevilha
Head of Financial Market Infrastructure
She was Head of Corporate Innovation Strategy at CIP and of Business Strategy at Bitrutst.
Felipe Nogueira
Felipe Nogueira
Chief Technology Officer
Startups co-founder, CEO of We Seek Foods and TG4
Sign up to trade shares of companies with high growth potential
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